
Regional workshop of military psychologists was held in Sarajevo on 27 and 28 March 2018 - Project PREVENTIVA


On 27 and 28 March 2018, the International Organization for Migration - UN Agency for Migration (IOM), as part of the project Building the Capacities of BH Institutions to Address Mental Health Issues amongst Defence Personnel in Bosnia and Herzegovina - PREVENTIVA, organized a two-day workshop of military psychologists. The workshop was aimed at exchanging experiences and good practices of military psychologists in the Armed Forces of Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and the psychologists working in the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Discussions were thematically related to the recruitment and selection processes, transition and preparation and the care of Armed Forces’ members participating in peacekeeping missions around the world. During these two days, discussions on future cooperation at the regional level were held and the organization of study visits in the coming period was proposed in order to determine and strengthen the level of professional cooperation. The PREVENTIVA project is being implemented in cooperation with the BiH Ministry of Defence, the Federal Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Republika Srpska and the Government of Brčko District - Department of Health and Other Services, with donor support from the Kingdom of Norway.


27. i 28. marta/ožujka 2018. godine, Međunarodna organizacija za migracije – UN Agencija za migracije (IOM) je u sklopu projekta Izgradnje kapaciteta bh. Institucija na polju očuvanja mentalnog zdravlja pripadnika Oružanih snaga BiH - PREVENTIVA, organizovala dvodnevnu radionicu vojnih psihologa. Radionica je imala za cilj razmjenu iskustava i dobre prakse rada vojnih psihologa u Oružanim snagama Hrvatske, Slovenije, Srbije te psihologa uposlenih u Oružanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine. Diskusije su bile tematski vezane za procese regrutiranja i selekcije, tranzicije te pripreme i brige o pripadnicima OS koji učestvuju u mirovnim misijama širom svijeta. Tokom ova dva dana diskutiralo se i o budućoj suradnji na regionalnom nivou te je predložena organizacija studijskih posjeta u narednom periodu s ciljem specificiranja i jačanja profesionalne suradnje. Projekt PREVENTIVA se implementira u suradnji sa Ministarstvom odbrane/obrane, Federalnog ministarstva zdavstva, Ministarstva zdravlja i socijalne zaštite Republike Srpske te Vlade brčko distrikt-Odjela za zdravstvo i ostale usluge, uz donatorsku podršku Kraljevine Norveške.