
Reconstruction of sports fields in Miljevina


In the framework of the project "Reconstruction of Sports Fields" in Miljevina, the construction of sports grounds in front of the Primary School "Sveti Sava" started yesterday. This is a project run by the youth from this community and financed by IOM BiH through its project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in BiH". Twenty volunteers finished painting the stadium, setting up benches and the protective net behind goals, while the new boards for basketball, a goal and the volleyball net remain to be put up! The objective of the project is to strengthen and motivate the youth who have, through this project initiative, gained valuable experience for further engagement in the community. The project is supported by USAID BiH, The Embassy of Great Britain and the Embassy of Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


U okviru projekta “Rekonstrukcija sportskih terena” u Miljevini je juče počelo sređivanje sportskih terena ispred Osnovne škole “Sveti Sava”. Riječ je o projektu koji vode mladi iz ove zajednice, a finansira IOM BiH kroz svoj projekat “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH”. Dvadesetak volontera završilo je farbanje stadiona, betoniranje klupa i postavljanje zaštitne mreže iza golova, a ostaje još da se postave nove table i obručevi za košarku te mreže za golove i odbojku! Cilj ovih projekata je osnaživanje i pokretanje mladih koji su kroz ovaj projekat stekli dragocjeno iskustvo za dalji angažman u zajednici. Projekat je podržan od strane USAID BiH te ambasade Velike Britanije i Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.