
Reconstruction of the sports field in Cirkin Polje - presentation of the initiative


Reconstruction of the sports field in Cirkin Polje, and the launching of folklore and other creative sections for youth in the local community of Cerjeci, are projects that were presented by youth from these communities to the project-committee and guests at the third "Community Dialogue" in Prijedor. The Committee, comprised of representatives of the "Parents' body" and the inhabitants of Cirkin Polje and Cerjeci, suggested how to improve these projects and promised assistance in further realization. One of the members of the project committee was Goran Dragojevic, vice president of the Municipal Assembly of Prijedor, who promised to help realize the projects and schedule a meeting with the youth in the administrative center! These activities were organized as part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by IOM, supported by @USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Rekonstrukcija sportskog igrališta u Čirkin Polju, te pokretanje folklorne i drugih kreativnih sekcija za mlade u mjesnoj zajednici Čejreci, projekti su koje su mladi iz ovih zajednica predstavili komisiji i gostima na trećem "Dijalogu u zajednici" u Prijedoru. Komisija, koju čine predstavnici "Tijela roditelja" te stanovnici Čirkin Polja i MZ Čerjeci, dala je prijedloge mladima kako da unaprijede svoje projekte i obećala pomoć u daljem ostvarenju njihovih ideja. Jedan od članova projektne komisije bio je i Goran Dragojević, potpredsjednik Skupštine grada Prijedora, koji je obećao da će pomoći realizaciju projekata i zakazao sastanak s mladima u administrativnoj službi! Ove aktivnosti organizovane su u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" koji sprovodi IOM, a podržvaju USAID, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasad Republike Italije u BiH.