
Reconstruction of the Playground in Prijedor


U okviru projekta Međunarodne organizacije za migracije ''Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini'', neformalna grupa mladih iz Prijedora, mjesna zajednica Čirkin Polje, realizovala je projekat “Rekonstrukcija sportskog igrališta”.

Dnevni centar „Šljokica“ iz mjesta Donja Ljubija kod Prijedora je pružio podršku i nastupom otvorio sportsko igralište. Rekonstruisano sportsko igralište iza društvenog doma u Čirkin Polju 26.09.2018. godine je presijecanjem vrpce svečano otvoreno. Na otvaranju su prisustvovali gradonačelnik grada Prijedora i drugi predstavnici općine. Fudbalski i košarkaški teren otvoreni su 24 sata svima koji svoje slobodno vrijeme koriste za sport. Putem ovog projekta je: zamijenjena ograda na fudbalskom terenu, postavljene su nove mrežice, ofarbani golovi i koševi, iscrtane linije na sportskom terenu, obezbijeđena mreža za odbojku, te zamijenjene table za koševe. Mladi su naučili kako da napišu projekat, kako da dobiju predračune, kako da razgovaraju sa privrednim subjektima, te kako da upoznaju mlade iz svojih, ali i drugih zajednica.

Nakon svečanog otvaranja igrališta, mladi iz okolnih mjesnih zajednica su se takmičili u fudbalu i basketu, a turnir se održao 26.09.2018. godine sa početkom u 19h. Za pobjednike turnira obezbijeđene su vrijedne nagrade.

Ove aktivnosti organizovane su u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" koji sprovodi IOM uz podršku USAID Bosnia and HerzegovinaBritish Embassy Sarajevo i Ambasade Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.


As part of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", the informal youth group from the local community Čirkin Polje, in Prijedor, implemented the project "Reconstruction of the Playground".

Youth from the Daily center "Šljokica" from Donja Ljubija, near Prijedor, offered support and dance performance to open the playground. The reconstructed playground, behind the local community centre in Čirkin Polje was opened by the ribbon cutting ceremony on September 26, 2018. At the inauguration, the mayor of the city of Prijedor and other representatives of the City attended.
The football and basketball court is open at all times for everyone who uses their leisure time for sport. The project which included the following works: the replacement of the fence on the football field, new grids, colored heads and bats were placed, lines were drawn on the field, a volleyball net, and replaced boots. The young people learned how to write a project, how to get their budgets, talk to businesses, and meet young people from their own, but also from other communities.

After the festive opening of the playground, young people from the surrounding local communities competed in the football and basketball tournament held on 26 September 2018. Valuable prizes were provided for the winners of the tournament.

All these activities are part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of Great Britain (British Embassy Sarajevo) and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.