
“Puno mi znači što mogu računati na pomoć u svakom trenutku”

NFI je skraćenica koja se često koristi kada se govori o pomoći koja je pružena migrantima i izbjeglicama u našoj zemlji. Šta su zapravo NFI artikli?


Radi se o neprehrambenim artiklima koji su neophodni osobama koje su u pokretu tj. proizvodima koji nisu hrana, a dijele se u humanitarnom odgovoru pri pružanju pomoći onima koji su u potrebi. Ovi paketi se razlikuju zavisno od namjene i potrebe i uključuju osnovne predmete i proizvode kao što su: deke, set posteljina, odjeća, obuća i higijenski setovi. Pored toga, u komplete se mogu dodati i drugi predmeti u slučaju nepredviđenih situacija kao što su: čizme, vreće za spavanje, zimska odjeća te uljni radijatori tokom oštrih zima u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Kao odgovor na potrebu da se zbrinu osobe koje borave u privremenim prihvatnim centrima, a koji često tokom svog putovanja ostaju bez ličnih stvari, u sklopu projekta koji finansira Evropska unija, IOM nabavlja i vodi logističke operacije nabavke svih potrebnih artikala. Svi potrebni artikli se nabavljaju na prostoru države od strane isključivo lokalnih dobavljača i time podržava ekonomiju Bosne i Hercegovine.

U privremenim prihvatnim centrima u BiH koji su uspostavljeni uz finansijsku podršku Evropske unije, osoblje Međunarodne organizacije za migracije (IOM) vrši redovnu podjelu i evidenciju neprehrambenih artikala svakodnevno u dnevnoj smjeni, a po potrebi, artikli su u pojedinim centrima dostupni i u noćnoj smjeni. U svakom centru postoji definisan raspored i označeno mjesto na kojoj se vrši podjela NFI artikala. Postoje različite vrste paketa koje migranti dobijaju: paket dobrodošlice, medicinski, scabies paket itd.  



Svaki migrant ili izbjeglica, kada dođe u privremeni prihvatni centar, nakon što prođe obavezan medicinski pregled i registraciju, dobije paket dobrodošlice koji sadrži kupku, šampon, tečni sapun, četkicu i pastu za zube, pjenu za brijanje, higijenske potrepštine, posteljinu, rublje i sve što je potrebno i u skladu sa međunarodnim humanitarnim standardima.

“Puno mi znači da mogu računati na pomoć u centru i dobiti artikal koji mi treba. Sada kada imam bebu, dodatni par odjeće za bebe i pelena je uvijek dobrodošao.”, kazala nam je Azadah*, žena iz Afganistana koja je sa svoje šestoro djece pobjegla od teške situacije i sukoba u svojoj državi, i koja trenutno sa porodicom boravi u centru Borići u Bihaću.

Ajdin, uposlenik IOM-a, koji je odgovorna osoba u centralnom skladištu u privremenom prihvatnom centru Bira nam je objasnio kako funkcioniše skladište u centru.

Pošto se u ovom centru nalaze samo muškarci samci, za njih podjelu vršimo tokom tri dana, dok se za maloljetnike, kojih je u Biri trenutno oko 330, podjela vrši tokom dva dana u sedmici, a za porodice i starije ili bolesne, podjela se vrši jednom sedmično”, rekao nam je Ajdin.

Iz centralnog skladišta se artikli pripremaju i šalju u druge centre prema potrebi.  

U svim centrima, svi migranti kojima je potrebna ljekarska pomoć i koji se prevoze u zdravstvene ustanove na tretmane, dobiju medicinski paket koji sadrži ono što je potrebno za boravak u bolničkom krevetu: pidžamu, rublje, peškir, antibakterijski gel, sredstva za ličnu higijenu itd.

Uz finansijsku podršku Evropske unije, IOM je prošle godine organizovao 3,588 medicinskih transporta odnosno 10,664 pojedinačnih usluga prijevoza migranata u bolnice i domove zdravlja.

Određeni broj migranata koji se registruju u centrima ima scabies i njima se daju posebni paketi koji sadrže tretmanski šampon i druge potrepštine.

Jakne, obuća, odjeća, deke i slične stvari se dijele na mjesečnoj bazi, dok su ostali artikli dostupni na sedmičnoj bazi.

Ayaan*, koji je u svojoj domovini Pakistanu radio kao frizer, trenutno vrši volontersku dužnost Community Warden-a u Biri te je jedan od migranata koji pomažu osoblju IOM-a pri obavljanju raznih aktivnosti tokom dana:

“U Biri sam već više od godinu dana i drago mi je da imam priliku da pomažem prilikom podjele NFI-a. Volim da radim i da se osjećam korisnim, a s obzirom na činjenicu da je veliki broj migranta iz Pakistana kao i ja, moje znanje jezika bude od velike pomoći.”

Evropska unija je obezbijedila sredstva za nabavku 450 000 neprehrambenih artikala za migrante i izbjeglice koji su boravili ili još uvijek borave u privremenim prihvatnim centrima u 2019. godini.

Projekat “EU podrška upravljanju migracijama i granicom u Bosni i Hercegovini” koji obezbjeđuje smještaj i hranu za migrante i izbjeglice u BiH finansira Evropska unija, a provodi IOM u partnerstvu s UNHCR-om, UNICEF-om, UNFPA-om i Danskim vijećem za izbjeglice (DRC).


* Imena i identifikacijski detalji promijenjeni su kako bi se zaštitili privatnost i sigurnost osoba.



English version

“It means a lot to me that I can count on help at all times


NFI is an abbreviation that is very often used when referring to the assistance provided to migrants and refugees in our country. What are NFI Items?

These are non-food items that are necessary for migrants, items other than food that are used in humanitarian response to assist those in need. These packages vary by purpose and need and include basic items and products such as blankets, linens and hygiene kits. In addition, other items can be added to the kits in case of unforeseen difficulties such as: boots, sleeping bags and winter clothes during the harsh winters of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In response to the needs of the migrants and refugees currently staying in temporary reception centres, who are most often left without their personal belongings during their journey, within the project funded by the European Union, IOM is taking care of the logistical aspect of procurement of all needed items. Also, IOM procures all necessary items on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina by local suppliers exclusively and therefore supporting the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the Temporary Reception Centers in BiH established with the financial support of the European Union, International Organization for Migration (IOM) staff regularly distributes and records non-food items on a daily basis, and in certain centres, items are also available during the night. Each center has a defined layout and a designated place where NFI items are distributed. There are different types of packages that migrants receive: a welcome package, a medical package, a scabies package, etc.

Every migrant or refugee, when they arrive at the temporary reception center, after receiving the required medical check-up and registration, receive a welcome pack containing a bath, shampoo, liquid soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving foam, hygiene supplies, linen, underwear and all necessary items, in accordance with the international humanitarian standards.

“It means a lot to me that I can count on help at the center and get the item I need. Now that I have a baby, an extra pair of baby clothes and diapers is always welcome”, said a woman from Afghanistan who, with her six children, escaped the dire situation and conflict in her country and is now accommodated in TRC Borići in Bihać with her family.

Ajdin, an IOM employee who is the responsible person in the main warehouse which is located in the temporary reception center Bira.

“Since this center accommodates only single men, we distribute items for them during three days, while for unaccompanied minors, 330 of them currently in, the distribution is done two days a week, and for families and the elderly or sick, the distribution is done one day", Ajdin told us.

From the main warehouse the items are prepared and sent to other centers as needed.

In all temporary reception centers, all migrants and refugees in need of medical attention and transported by IOM staff to hospitals for treatment receive a medical package containing what is needed to stay in a hospital bed, pyjamas, underwear, towel, antibacterial gel, personal hygiene etc. With the financial support of the European Union, last year, IOM organized 3.588 medical transportations or 10.664 individual migrant transportation services to hospitals and health centers and back.

A number of migrants who register at the centers have scabies, and are given special packages containing treatment shampoo and other necessities.

Jackets, shoes, clothing, blankets and the like are all shared on a monthly basis, while other items are available on a weekly basis.

Ayaan*, who in his home country Pakistan worked as a barber, is a Community Warden in Bira and one of the migrants who, through their volunteer work, assist IOM staff in various activities throughout the day:

"I've been in Bira for more than a year now and I'm glad to have the opportunity to help with the NFI distribution. I love to work and feel useful, and since many migrants are from Pakistan just like me, my knowledge of the language is very helpful.”

The European Union has provided funding for the acquisition of 450,000 non-food items for migrants and refugees who have resided or are still staying in temporary reception centers in 2019.

Project "EU Support to Migration and Border Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina" which provides accommodation and food for migrants and refugees in BiH is funded by the European Union and implemented by IOM in partnership with UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).


* Names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy and safety of persons.