
Peter Duffy, Director of the USAID Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, met local coordinators of IOM in Prijedor


Peter Duffy, Director of the USAID Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, met today with a team of local coordinators of IOM in Prijedor. Within the official visit, they talked about what has been done so far in this city, the project of launching the Day Center for Children and Youth in Donja Ljubija was presented, which is in its final stage. There also discussed the projects whose implementation is under way – for extreme sports hall, construction of street workout park, and launching a unique Creative and Educational Center... These are the activities that are part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" funded by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Members of the local IOM team presented open cooperation with the institutions in Prijedor and the ways in which the city administration supports the IOM projects. Duffy also met with the "Parents Body" / Youth Support Forum in Prijedor that participated in IOM's workshops, so they shared their experiences and explained how they apply what they have learned in real cases.


Peter Duffy, direktor misije USAID-a u Bosni i Hercegovini, danas se sastao s lokalnim timom koordinatora IOM-a u Prijedoru. U sklopu službene posjete bilo je riječi o tome šta je do sada urađeno u ovom gradu, predstavljen je projekat pokretanja Dnevnog centra za djecu i mlade u Donjoj Ljubiji koji je u završnoj fazi. Bilo je riječi i o projektima čija implementacija je u toku - sali za ekstremne sportove, izgradnji street workout parka, te pokretanju jedinstvenog Kreativno-edukativnog centra... Riječ je o aktivnostima koje su dio projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" finansiraju USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini. Članovi lokalnog IOM tima predstavili su otvorenu saradnju s institucijama u Prijedoru te načine na koji uprava grada pruža podršku projektima IOM-a. Duffy se sastao i sa "Tijelom roditelja" odnosno Forumom za podršku mladima u Prijedoru koji su učestvovali u IOM-ovim radionicama pa su prenijeli svoja iskustva i objasnili kako su naučeno primijenili u realnim slučajevima.