
Opening ceremony of "Rahat Zone" in Bužim


In order for youth to create and organize interesting content requires the will, ideas, resources and space. The youth from Radoc / Buzim showed that they had the will and ideas. Funds were granted through the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", and they could move to the next step in their activities, and that was a needed space! Within a few months "Rahat Zone" was created, and yesterday was officially opened! Space for youth has been completely refurbished, and now it is ready to use: it includes equipment and materials that they need for further work. Introductory speech was followed by a ribbon-cutting ceremony, refreshments and socializing with activists from the community. These activities are implemented by IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and Embassy of Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Da bi mladi mogli kreirati i organizovati njima zanimljive sadržaje potrebni su volja, ideje, sredstva i prostor. Mladi iz MZ Radoč u Bužimu pokazali su da imaju volju i ideje. Grantom odobrenim kroz projekat "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" dobili su i sredstva kako bi prešli i naredni korak u svom djelovanju, a to je prostor. Kroz nekoliko mjeseci rada nastala je "Rahat zona", a juče je svečano otvorena! Prostor za mlade u potpunosti je saniran i osposobljen za korištenje, a sadrži opremu i materijale za koje su mladi smatrali da su im neophodne za dalji rad. Nakon uvodnog obraćanja uslijedilo je presijecanje vrpce, zakuska i druženje s aktivistima iz zajednice. Ove aktivnosti implementira IOM, a podržavaju USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.