
Opening ceremony in Bužim


They say the sweetest fruits are the results of our own work. The youth who worked on the children's playground in Bužim were convinced that this was true. They were overwhelmed with most beautiful emotions on the day of the opening ceremony, when the playground, filled with laughter and joy, was finally given to the little ones to use. Months of work have paid off! With the support of the local community, especially the municipality of Bužim and the mayor, the desire of young people to embellish the childhood for generations that carry the future, has been fulfilled.

The Children's Playground in Bužim was the initiative launched at one of the Community Dialogues, through the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by IOM, supported by USAID, the Government of Great Britain and the Embassy of Republic of Italy in BiH.


Kažu da su najslađi plodovi vlastitog rada. Da je to istina uvjerili su se i mladi koji su radili na uređenju dječijeg igrališta u Bužimu. Najljepše emocije su ih preplavile na dan svečanog otvorenja kada je igralište, ispunjeno smijehom i radošću, napokon dato mališanima na korištenje. Mjeseci rada su se isplatili! Uz podršku lokalne zajednice, posebno Općine Bužim i općinskog načelnika želja mladih, da uljepšaju djetinjstvo generacijama koje nose budućnost, se ispunila.

Projekat uređenja dječijeg igrališta Bužim je inicijativa pokrenuta na jednom od dijaloga u zajednici, projektom „Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini“ kojeg implementira IOM, a podržavaju USAID, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH.