Who We Are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. IOM has had a presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1992.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development. Across Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), IOM aims to prevent irregular migration, stop the trafficking of human beings, contribute to national development, and assist the BH Government to manage migration activities.
Cross-cutting (Global)
Cross-cutting (Global)
- Data and Resources
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- 2030 Agenda
Okrugli sto povodom Svjetskog dana voda / Round table on World Water Day, Bihać
Okrugli sto povodom Svjetskog dana voda
Povodom Svjetskog dana voda, Biotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću je zajedno sa Međunarodnom organizacijom za migracije, Gradom Bihać, Fakultetom zdravstvenih studija, Zavodom za Javno zdravstvo i JU Gimnazija “Bihać” u Bihaću organizirao okrugli sto.
Pored predstavljanja projekata unaprijeđenja okoliša iz oblasti vodnih resursa koje implementira Grad Bihać, izlaganja na temu značaja analize vode i zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za piće na području USK, predstavljen je i projekat “Zajedno za Jedinu”.
“Zajedno za Jedinu” je zajednički projekat Međunarodne organizacije za migracije i Biotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Bihaću, koji se realizira u sklopu projekta “Angažovanje mladih u ekološke i društveno-ekonomske održive inicijative u Bosni i Hercegovini”, uz finansijsku podršku IOM-ovog Razvojnog fonda.
Projekat “Zajedno za Jedinu” obuhvata analizu rijeke Une na tri lokacije kroz vremenski period od šest mjeseci, postavljanje plutajućih cvijetnih otoka za fitoremedijaciju na dvije lokacije, te analizu rijeke Une neposredno prije i poslije postavljanja plutajućih otoka.
Implementacija tehnologije plutajućih otoka u praksi može osigurati pročišćavanje otpadnih i onečišćenih voda na temelju prirodnih procesa, bez upotrebe različitih hemikalija i dodatnih izvora energije. Pored toga, projekat ima za cilj da potakne brigu i interes za očuvanje rijeke Une, da pojača monitoring rijeke Une i poboljša metode njene zaštite i očuvanja.
U nastavku projekta se očekuje postavljanje plutajućih cvijetnih aleja, te obilježavanje Dana rijeke Une i Svjetskog dan okoliša.
Pristup vodi, sanitaciji i higijeni je najosnovnija ljudska potreba za zdravlje i dobrobit, a i uslovni element napretka za ostatak Agende za održivi razvoj 2030., što je obuhvaćeno u Cilju održivog razvoja 6 o čistoj vodi i sanitarnim uvjetima.
U skladu s tim, između ostalog, IOM poziva i na primjenu pristupa koji uključuje cjelokupno društvo, a koji nastoji smanjiti ranjivosti s kojima se ljudi suočavaju i osnažiti ljude kao nosioce promjena. Postoji prilika da se značajno iskoristi potencijal otpornosti zajednice i ljudske mobilnosti – kada se njima dobro upravlja i kada su ljudi usredsređeni – za podršku inovativnom i održivom upravljanju vodnim resursima. Osnažene zajednice, grupe dijaspore, migranti i raseljena lica, migranti povratnici i drugi, mogu potaknuti transfer vještina, znanja, tehnologije i investicija za podršku vodenoj infrastrukturi kao i inovacije za efikasna rješenja u korištenju vode.
IOM nastavlja podržavati lokalne zajednice Bosne i Hercegovine kako bi se jačala njihova otpornost na klimatske promjene, prirodne katastrofe i druge negativnosti.
Round table on World Water Day, Bihać
On the occasion of the World Water Day, the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać, together with the International Organization for Migration, the City of Bihać, the Faculty of Health Studies, the Institute of Public Health and the Gymnasium "Bihać" organized a round table in Bihać.
In addition to the presentation of environmental improvement projects in the area of water resources implemented by the City of Bihać, organizer also presented on the importance of water analysis and the healthiness of drinking water in the area of USK, the "Together for the One" project.
"Together for the One" is a joint project of the International Organization for Migration and the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Bihać, which is implemented as part of the project "Engagement of young people in ecological and socio-economic sustainable initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina", with the financial support of the IOM's Development Fund.
The "Together for the One" project includes the analysis of the Una River at three locations over a period of six months, the installation of floating flower islands for phytoremediation at two locations. The analysis of the Una River water samples includes analysis immediately before and after the installation of the floating islands.
The implementation of floating island technology in practice can ensure the purification of waste and polluted water based on natural processes, without the use of various chemicals and additional energy sources. In addition, the project aims to stimulate concern and interest in the preservation of the Una River, to strengthen the monitoring of the Una River and to improve the methods of its protection and preservation.
In the continuation of the project, setting up of floating flower alleys, celebration of Una River Day and World Environment Day, are to follow.
Access to water, sanitation and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well-being, and a conditional element of progress for the rest of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as enshrined in Sustainable Development Goal 6 on clean water and sanitation.
In this context, among other things, IOM calls for the application of an approach that includes the entire society, which seeks to reduce the vulnerabilities that people face and empower people as agents of change. There is an opportunity to significantly harness the potential of community resilience and human mobility – when well managed and people centred – to support innovative and sustainable water resource management. Empowered communities, diaspora groups, migrants and displaced persons, returning migrants and others, can encourage the transfer of skills, know-how, technology and investments to support water infrastructure as well as innovation for water-use efficiency solutions.
IOM continues to support local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to strengthen their resilience to climate change, natural disasters and other negative phenomena.