
MoviEQ Workshop began on 26 August in Zenica


As part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in BiH", a MoviEQ Workshop began on 26 August, in Zenica. The workshop, in addition to its objective of learning the skills to use emotional intelligence, was also an opportunity to discuss how we can change the way we see ourselves, as well as others. A group of 15 young people has been diligently working with us for the past three days. Today is the fourth and final day, which will be marked by summing up the impressions and experiences, and awarding certificates to all the deserving participants. These activities are implemented by IOM, and funded by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.


U sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH" u Zenici je 26. avgusta počela MoviEQ radionica. Radionica, osim što ima za cilj sticanje vještine korištenja emocionalne inteligencije, takođe je bila prilika da razgovaramo o načinima na koji možemo promijeniti viđenje sebe, ali i drugih. Grupa od 15 mladih ljudi se družila i vrijedno radila s nama prethodna tri dana. Danas je četvrti, završni dan, koji će biti obilježen sumiranjem utisaka i dodjelom certifikata svim redovnim učesnicima. Ovu aktivnost sprovodi IOM, a finansira Misija USAID-a u BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH.