

Within the project ‘’Scaling up Universal Access for Most at Risk Populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina –mobile populations’’ (HIV/AIDS Round 9), supported through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP BiH), funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), IOM Sarajevo hold two trainings from 16.09.- 19.09.2014, on HIV/AIDS and Mobility for municipal level health care professionals who provide healthcare services to – among others - migrants and mobile populations.

During those trainings IOM campaign #MigrationMeans was presented and all participants were asked to write a post explaining what does #MigrationMeans to them. The best posts were selected by the votes of the training participants and awarded.

The best post selected in Tuzla said:

#MigrationMeans: No borders, just challenges!

Two posts were selected in Laktasi:

#MigrationMeans: It is hard for me today, better tomorrow for whole family

#MigrationMeans: I don’t want migration: I want reaction!