
Meeting with Semiha Borovac, Minister of Human Rights and Refugees


During the courtesy visit and working meeting with Semiha Borovac, Minister of Human Rights and Refugees, Peter Van Der Auweraert, IOM Chief of Mission in BiH spoke about the necessity to have as many BiH institutions on board with the goal to issue adequate response to the migrant crisis and influx of migrants to the country, which is becoming larger.

It was emphasized that the priority now is to secure additional accommodation and protection for migrants, especially when it comes to most vulnerable population, like families, unaccompanied minors, marginalized groups.. Van der Auweraert also said that in order to receive international aid, it is necessary for Bosnia and Herzegovina to adopt clear plan of action when it comes to increased migrant influx. Such plan is being drafted and we are expecting a discussion at the BiH Council of Ministers about the mentioned topic.

Special attention was also given to the emerging problem of smuggling of Roma children to Europe. It was announced that in the coming period, IOM will conduct an analysis based on available data from our region, aimed to confront this problem and provide protection for the Roma children, which are under threat of smuggling to Europe.

Minister Borovac emphasized that solving this problem requires active participation of Roma non-governmental organizations, as well as the Committee for Roma of the BiH Council of Ministers. Also, she emphasized that the MHRR will do everything under the scope of its authorities and with cooperation with the Roma organizations, to act in a preventive manner with the goal to stop the smuggling of Roma children.

At the end of the meeting, Van der Auweraert highlighted that what puts BiH apart from other countries on migrant route is the unique and extremely praiseworthy relationship of BiH Border Police towards migrants. According to migrant testimonies, said the IOM Chief of Mission, the BiH border police officers are providing full respect for their human rights, i.e. treating them with respect and dignity, which is not practised by the border police agencies of certain countries along the migrant route.

Peter Van der Auweraert, šef misije Međunarodne organizacije za migracije (IOM) u BiH, danas je tokom nastupne posjete i radnog sastanka sa ministricom za ljudska prava i izbjeglice Semihom Borovac naveo kako je neophodno uključivanje većeg broja institucija Bosne i Hercegovine u cilju davanja adekvatnog odgovora na migrantsku krizu i sve veći priliv migranata u našu zemlju.

Naglašeno je kako je prioritet osigurati dodatni smještaj za migrante, ali i njihovu zaštitu, pogotovo kada je riječ o onim najugroženijim kakve su porodice, maloljetnici bez pratnje roditelja, marginalizirane grupe... Van der Auweraert je naveo kako je za međunarodnu pomoć neophodno postojanje jasnog plana BiH o djelovanju u smislu povećanog priliva migranata u našu zemlju. Takav plan je već u izradi i uskoro se rasprava o njemu očekuje na Vijeću ministara BiH.

Posebna pažnja posvećena je sve izraženijem problemu krijumčarenja romske djece u Evropu. Najavljeno je kako će IOM u narednom periodu izraditi analizu temeljem raspoloživih podataka iz našeg regiona u cilju suzbijanja ovog problema i pružanja zaštite romskoj djeci koja su izložena prijetnji da budu krijumčarena u Evropu.

Ministrica Borovac je naglasila kako je u rješavanje ovog problema potrebno uključiti romske nevladine organizacije kao i Odbor za Rome pri Vijeću ministara BiH. Takođe, istakla je kako će Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice učiniti sve u okvirima svojih nadležnosti uz saradnju sa romskim organizacijama da se preventivno djeluje u cilju spriječavanja krijumčarenja romske djece.

Van der Auweraert je na kraju sastanka istakao kako ono što BiH izdvaja od zemalja na migrantskoj ruti jeste i jedinstven i izuzetno pohvalan odnos pripadnika Granične policije BiH prema migrantima. Prema iskazima migranata, naveo je šef misije IOM-a, bh. graničari se odnose uz puno poštovanje njihovih ljudskih prava, odnosno sa poštovanjem i dignitetom što nije praksa graničarima u pojedinim zemljama na migrantskoj ruti.