
"Love your own – Get to know others"


The youth from Maoca had the opportunity to travel to Novi Sad and continue the activities that are being implemented within the project "Love your own – Get to know others". This is certainly one of the most interesting activities within the project, since young people had the opportunity to travel and socialize with their hosts, additionaly learning about the traditions and costumes of their neighbors, which is certainly a nice experience.

Traditional folk plays were performed at this gathering, with young people from Maoca having the opportunity to be dressed in Serbian traditional costumes. They also performed previously learned steps of traditional Serbian games. On the other hand, the hosts had the opportunity to meet with traditional plays of Northern Bosnia and Herzegovina by wearing a traditional Bosnian costume, but also by presenting some of their choreographies.

After this trip, the young people from Maoca returned home richer for one more experience, which will assist them in the further successful realization of the activities from the project.

These activities are part of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", implemented by the IOM, supported by USAID BiH, the Government of Great Britain and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Mladi iz Maoče imali su priliku putovati u Novi Sad i tako nastaviti sa aktivnostima koje se sprovode u okviru projekta “Voli svoje – upoznaj tuđe”. Ovo je zasigurno jedna od najinteresantnijih aktivnosti koje su sprovedene u okviru navedenog projekta, obzirom da su mladi imali priliku da putuju i da se druže sa domaćinima, a uz sve to da uče o tradiciji i običajima svojih komšija, što je svakako lijepo iskustvo.

Na ovom druženju izvodile su se tradicionalne narodne igre, pri čemu su mladi iz Maoče imali priliku da budu obučeni u srpsku tradicionalnu nošnju i da izvedu, prethodno naučene, korake tradicionalnih igara Srbije, dok su se, s druge strane, domaćini imali priliku upoznati sa tradicionalnim igrama Sjeverne BiH noseći tradicionalnu bosansku nošnju, ali su također prezentirali i neke od svojih koreografija.

Nakon ovog putovanja, mladi iz Maoče su se vratili bogatiji za još jedno iskustvo, koje će im pomoći u daljnjoj uspješnoj realizaciji aktivnosti iz navedenog projekta.

Navedene aktivnosti su dio projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini”, kojeg implementira IOM, a podržavaju USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.