
The local IOM team from Prijedor presented the project of building a Street Workout Park in the community of Urije


Marking the occasion of the International Volunteer Day, the local IOM team from Prijedor presented the project of building a Street Workout Park in the community of Urije. Activities planned in the second "Community Dialogue" were presented to the head of the mission of IOM in BiH, Peter Van Der Auweraert, Coordinator of the project "Support to Youth in Local Communities in BiH" Mirza Omerhodžić and Grant Manager, Kristina Šešlija. Local government representatives will also contribute towards the implementation of this project. Also, a jewelry sales exhibition of the beneficiaries of the Daily Center "Šljokica" from Donja Ljubija was organized as well as the performance of the choir "Ameno" and the music group "Kapadastersi" from the Creative Center "KEC". The project is implemented by IOM, supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy.


U susret Međunarodnom danu volontera lokalni tim IOM-a iz Prijedora predstavio je projekat izgradnje Street Workout parka u naselju Urije. Riječ je o aktivnostima planiranim u sklopu drugog "Dijaloga u zajednici", a planirane aktivnosti prezentovane su šefu misije IOM-a u BiH Peteru Van Der Auweraertu, Koordinatoru projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH" Mirzi Omerhodžiću i Grant menadžerici Kristini Šešliji. Svoj doprinos u realizaciji ovog projekta dali su i predstavnici lokalne vlasti. Takođe, organizovana je i prodajna izložba nakita korisnika/ca Dnevnog centra "Šljokica" iz Donje Ljubije, te nastup hora "Ameno" i muzičke grupe "Kapadastersi" iz Kreativnog centra „KEC”. Projekat sprovodi IOM, a podržan je od strane USAID BiH te Vlada Velike Britanije (British Embassy Sarajevo) i Ambasade Republike Italije.