
Increased number of migrants (BHTV)


In the first 80 days of this year, there has been an increase in migrant numbers when compared to previous period, as reported by the Service for Foreigners Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, due to the fact that the number of registered migrants already surpassed figure of 1000. We have to ask a question here about the capacities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in relation to the possible large number of expected migrants, a problem which is confirmed by the statements of BiH officials. The capacity of the Immigration center is 120 beds, while the Asylum center can accomodate 300 persons. Non Governmental sector is providing accomodation in private houses, but all that is still insuficient.

„We have activated the emergency fund for assistance with accomodation of the migrants. UNHCR is also engaged, and besides assiting volunteers who are doing an excellent job on the ground, we are also assiting the most vulnerable categories of migrants by offering medical and psychosocial aid, food, etc.“ – said Mr. Peter Van der Auweraert, IOM Representative in BiH and Western Balkans Sub-regional Coordinator. The most refugees and migrants are coming from Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, while 99% of them carry no documents on them.