
Implemented the first grant in Jablanica within the Project "Community Based Approaches to Support Youth in Targeted Communities in BiH"


Young activists from Jablanica finalized the project of setting up the lighting pillars and reflectors on the playground Deponija, in the community of Ostrožac, and a match between young people from the local community and representatives of the Municipality of Jablanica was held on that occasion.
The installation of reflectors was implemented within the project "Community Based Approaches to Support Youth in Targeted Communities in BiH", which takes place in 15 municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina, with aims to launch, activate and mobilize young people who have not yet had the opportunity to be actively involved and participate in the realization of these and similar projects. With this project, whose total value exceeds 13,000 KM, the youth from the local community Ostrožac, who brought the project to its full implementation through organized working activities in cooperation with IOM, will now be able to use the stadium for various purposes late in the evening. The final works were carried out by the company Elektrofak d.o.o., from Jablanica.
The implementation of this youth project was carried out within the IOM project "Community Based Approaches to Support Youth in Targeted Communities in BiH", supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH, while also supported by the Municipality of Jablanica, which will finance the maintenance costs of the installed reflectors.


Mladi aktivisti iz Jablanice realizovali su projekat postavljanja reflektora na igralištu Deponija, u mjestu Ostrožac, a tim povodom odigrana je i revijalna utakmica u kojoj su se takmičili mladi iz mjesne zajednice i predstavnici Općine Jablanica. 
Postavljanje reflektora realizovano je u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH", koji se sprovodi u 15 opština, širom Bosne i Hercegovine, a koji ima za cilj pokrenuti, aktivirati i mobilizovati mlade ljude koji do sada nisu imali priliku da budu aktivno uključeni i učestvuju u realizaciji ovakvih i sličnih projekata. Ovim projektom, čija je ukupna vrijednost preko 13.000 KM, mladima iz mjesne zajednice Ostrožac, koji su u saradnji sa IOM-om kroz organizovane radne akcije doveli projekat do realizacije, omogućeno je korištenje stadiona za različite sportske igre, do kasnih večernjih sati. Montažu, postavljanje stubova i rasvjete realizovalo je preduzeće Elektrofak d.o.o. Jablanica. Realizaciju projektne inicijative mladih sproveo je IOM u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH", kojeg podržava USAID BiH, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH, a podržan je takođe i od Općine Jablanica, koja će finansirati održavanje i troškove postavljenih reflektora.