
The head of the International Organization for Migration in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Sub-regional Coordinator for the Western Balkans, Peter Van der Auweraert, visited the youth in Buzim


The head of the International Organization for Migration in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Sub-regional Coordinator for the Western Balkans, Peter Van der Auweraert, visited the youth in Buzim.

The youth had the opportunity to present all initiatives that have been realized so far within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", or whose implementation is in progress. Thus, the groups with whom IOM discussed the project presented the design of children's playground in Buzim called "Space of friendship" in Lubarda, a project for arranging training in Vrhovska, Street Workout Park. They also discussed about their future plans when it comes to projects in Buzim.


Šef Međunarodne organizacije za migracije u Bosni i Hercegovini i subregionalni koordinator za Zapadni Balkan, Peter Van Der Auweraert, je posjetio mlade u Bužimu.

Mladi su imali priliku predstaviti sve inicijative koje su dosad realizirane, ili čija je realizacija u toku, u okviru projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini”. Tako su grupe, sa kojima je šef IOM-a razgovarao, predstavile projekat uređenja dječijeg igrališta u Bužimu, “Prostor prijateljstva” u Lubardi, projekat uređenja trening sale u Vrhovskoj, Street Workout Park. Razgovarali su i o njihovim budućim planovima, kada su u pitanju projekti u Bužimu.