
The fourth MoviEQ workshop held in Tuzla


At the fourth MoviEQ workshop in Tuzla, 20 young people have the opportunity to learn through the presentation, learning, playing and thinking that the world is not black and white, but that it is full of colors. The four-day workshop began yesterday (Thursday, January 25th) and participants will have the opportunity to extend their view on life and raise their integrative complexity to a higher level. This is a continuation of the activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by IOM, which is supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Na četvrtoj MoviEQ radionici u Tuzli 20 mladih ima priliku da kroz prezentaciju, učenje, igru i razmišljanje spoznaju da svijet nije crno-bijeli, već da je pun boja. Četvorodnevna radionica počela je juče (četvrtak 25. januar) i učesnici će imati priliku da prošire svoje poglede na život podizanjem svoje integrativne kompleksnosti na viši nivo. Ovo je nastavak aktivnosti u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zadjednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" koji sprovodi IOM, a koji je podržan od strane USAID BiH, Vlade Velike Britanije i Ambasade Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.