
Fourth module of a workshop "Strengthening Parental Skills"


Proteklog vikenda, neformalna grupa roditelja iz Maoče i Gornjeg Rahića četvrtim modulom je okončala radionicu "Jačanje roditeljskih vještina". Modul je održan u Sportsko-rekreativnom centru Ajdinovići, gdje su roditelji usvojili nova znanja te kreirali plan aktivnosti za nastavak njihovog angažmana na putu prevencije nasilnog ekstremizma. Između ostalog, planirano je kreiranje oficijelne Facebook stranice pod nazivom "Roditelji za bolji život", čiji će sadržaj biti promovisanje aktivnosti ove, još uvijek neformalne grupe. Još jedna u nizu njihovih aktivnosti jeste i edukacija većeg broja roditelja iz ovih lokalnih zajednica o znacima nasilnog ekstremizma u ponašanju mladih ljudi.

Ove aktivnosti sprovodi IOM kroz projekat "Podrška mladima u Bosni i Hercegovini", a finansijski podržavaju USAID u Bosni i Hercegovini, Vlada Velike Britanije i Ambasada Republike Italije u BiH.


During the last weekend, the informal group of parents from Maoca and Gornji Rahic finished the fourth module of a workshop called "Strengthening Parental Skills". The module was held in the Sports and Recreation Centre Ajdinovići, where the parents adopted new knowledge and created a plan of activities for continuing their engagement on the prevention of violent extremism. Among other things, they plan to form an official Facebook page titled "Parents for a Better Life" whose content will be to promote the activities of this still informal group. Another one of their activities is the education of a larger number of parents from these local communities about the signs of violent extremism in the behavior of young people.

These activities are implemented by the IOM through the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in BiH", financially supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of Great Britain and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy.