
The fourth module of the workshop for parents from Jablanica was held on 07 September 2017


The fourth module of the workshop for parents from Jablanica was held within the framework of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in BiH", in Blagaj. The goal of the workshop is to strengthen the local community and to encourage young people to become active members of society, for which parents' support is needed! Parents were awarded well-deserved certificates for the completed education, and pointing out their readiness and desire to transfer all that they have learned to other parents from the community. This project is supported by USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.


U Blagaju je u sklopu projekta “Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH” krajem avgusta održan četvrti modul radionice za roditelje iz Jablanice. Cilj radionice je osnažiti lokalnu zajednicu i podstaknuti mlade da postanu aktivni članovi društva, a za šta je potrebna podrška roditelja! Roditelji su u okviru ovog završnog modula dobili i certifikate o edukaciji, ističući spremnost i želju da sve što su naučili prenesu na druge roditelje iz zajednice! Ovaj projekat je podržan od strane USAID BiH, Vlade Velike Britanije i Ambasade Republike Italije u BiH.