
Foreign Experts May Get Czech Permanent Residence after Only 18 Months

15 August 2007

Since 1 July 2007, a new category of highly qualified participants of the Czech pilot project “Selection of Qualified Foreign Workers” has been introduced. It shall be opened for foreigners who are working in the Czech Republic on posts which require university degree and match their profession (education or working experience). Participants in this category are entitled to apply for permanent residence permit already after one and a half years of participation in the project.

Since the same day a new country has been involved in the project – India. Citizens of India, together with citizens of other project countries Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine can, after fulfilling set criteria, obtain permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic in a shortened period of two and a half years or, in case of the new category, already after one and a half years. The same opportunity belongs to graduates of Czech universities and secondary schools regardless their country of origin.

Another important change in the project is also extension of the “grace period” for a search of a new job, which has been extended from 30 to 45 days. Participants who in the first year of the project lose their job through no fault of their own are entitled to a 45 day grace period during which they do not lose their visa and their residence permit is not revoked. The above mentioned grace period should serve as time during which participants search for another job in the Czech Republic. In the course of the following years of the pilot project the participants are given the grace period also if they lose their job for other reasons (formulated by the Czech law).

The pilot project was started in July 2003 by the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and its goal is to bring foreign specialists and their families to the Czech Republic. After 36 selection procedures, the project has over 700 participants and first 153 participants have already received permanent residence permit. For detailed information about the project, please call the International Organization for Migration 033 648 213 or check the website


2007 August 15

Strani eksperti mogu dobiti stalni boravak u Češkoj već nakon 18 mjeseci

 Od 01.07.2007. uvedena je nova kategorija visoko kvalificiranih učesnika Češkog pilot projekta Odabir kvalificiranih stranih radnika. Biće otvoren za strance koji rade u Češkoj Republici na radnim mjestima za koja je potrebno fakultetsko obrazovanje i koja odgovaranju njihovoj profesiji (obrazovanju ili radnom iskustvu). Učesnici u ovoj kategoriji imaju pravo prijaviti se za stalni boravak već nakon 1,5 godine učešća u projektu.

Od istoga dana u projektu učestvuje i nova zemlja, a to je Indija. Građani Indije zajedno sa građanima drugih zemalja koje učestvuju u projektu Belarusijom, Bosnom i Hercegovinom, Kanadom, Hrvatskom, Kazahstanom, Makedonijom, Moldavijom, Crnom Gorom, Ruskom Federacijom, Srbijom i Ukrajinom mogu dobiti dozvolu stalnog boravka nakon skraćenog perioda od 2,5 godine ili već nakon 1,5 godine za novu kategoriju. Istu priliku imaju diplomci sa univerziteta i srednjih škola u Češkoj bez obzira na zemlju porijekla.

Druga važna izmjena u projektu je produženje „zaštitnog perioda“ za pronalazak novog posla. Za sve učesnike projekta ovo vrijeme je produženo sa 30 na 45 dana. Učesnici koji tokom prve godine izgube posao, ali ne svojom krivicom imaju zaštitni period od 45 dana tokom kojeg neće izgubiti vizu i dozvolu boravka. Gore navedeni zaštitni period treba poslužiti kao vrijeme tokom kojeg će učesnici potražiti drugi posao u Češkoj. Tokom narednih godina učesnici pilot projekta također imaju zaštitni period u slučaju da izgube posao iz drugih razloga (utvrđenom zakonom u Češkoj).

Pilot projekat započeo je u julu 2003, a pokrenut je od strane Ministarstva rada i socijalnih poslova Češke. Cilj projekta je dovesti strane stručnjake i njihove porodice u Češku Republiku. Nakon 36 selekcijskih procedura, projekat ima preko 700 učesnika i prva 153 učesnika su već dobili dozvolu stranog boravka. Za detaljne informacije o projektu, molimo vas da pozovete međunarodnu organizaciju za migracije (IOM) na broj telefona 033 648 213 ili posjetite web stranicu