
First module of the workshop for parents organised in Tuzla within the "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in BiH" Project


First module of the workshop for parents within the framework of the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in BiH" was held in Tuzla. The goal of the workshop is to strengthen the local community and to encourage young people to become active members of society, for which parents' support is needed; 16 parents pointed their readiness and desire to transfer all that they have learned in their daily lives.

Earlier this month, second Community Dialogue was held with youth from Simin Han (Tuzla), which beside youth and parents was also attended by Local officials and Simin Han Elementary School representatives. Youth presented them "We choose sport" project, which refers to the reconstruction of the sports field, building a park for children, and setting up backstop within the schoolyard. These activities are implemented by IOM BiH, supported by the USAID Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


U Tuzli je, u sklopu projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u BiH" održan prvi modul radionice za roditelje. Cilj radionice je osnažiti lokalnu zajednicu i podstaći mlade da postanu aktivni članovi društva, a za šta je potrebna i podrška roditelja; njih 16 istaklo je spremnost da naučeno primijene u svakodnevnom životu. 

Ranije ovog mjeseca održan je i drugi dijalog s mladima i to iz mjesne zajednice Simin Han, kojem su osim mladih i roditelja prisustvovali i predstavnici lokalne vlasti, te Osnovne škole "Simin Han". Mladi su im prezentovali projekat "Biramo sport" koji se odnosi na rekonstrukciju sportskog terena, izgradnja parka za djecu te postavljanje mreža unutar školskog dvorišta. Ove aktivnosti sprovodi IOM BiH, a podržavaju USAID BiH i ambasade Velike Britanije i Republike Italije u BiH.