
The European Union is providing urgent support to the damaged Health Centre Bihać

(Sarajevo, December 31, 2020) - The Bihać Health Center suffered extensive damage due to the earthquake that hit the region with an epicentre near Zagreb. According to the findings of the certified engineers, the building of the Health Center in Bihać is not suitable for use due to the impaired structural stability and safety.

At the urgent request to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Policy of Una-Sana Canton to provide emergency support to this institution in the form of housing containers that will serve as a temporary solution to continue working, the European Union, through the project “EU Support to Migration and Border Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina”  donated six containers that will be placed on the site today and thus enable the medical staff to continue providing medical care to patients.

Transport and installation of the donated containers will be supported through the European Union funded project “Addressing COVID-19 Challenges within the Migrant and Refugee Response in the Western Balkans”, implemented by IOM and UNHCR.

During the handover of the six housing containers, the representatives of the Health Center Bihać emphasized that such an urgent and efficient solution is of great help to this institution.

The Bihać Health Center provides health care services for almost 60,000 locals, and in the conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, it provides additional efforts and ensures  access to health care to all Bihać residents and to migrants and refugees currently residing in Una-Sana Canton.


(Sarajevo, 31. decembar 2020. godine) - Dom zdravlja Bihać je pretrpio velika oštećenja usljed zemljotresa koji je pogodio region sa epicentrom u blizini Zagreba. Prema nalazima ovlaštenih inžinjera, zgrada Doma zdravlja u Bihaću nije za upotrebu zbog narušene mehaničke stabilnosti i sigurnosti.

Na urgentni zahtjev prema Međunarodnoj organizaciji za migracije (IOM) od strane Ministarstva zdravstva, rada i socijalne politike Unsko-sanskog kantona da se ovoj instituciji pruži hitna podrška u vidu stambenih kontejnera koji će služiti kao privremeno rješenje za nastavak efikasnog rada, Evropska unija je kroz projekat “EU podrška upravljanju migracijama i granicom u BiH” donirala šest kontejnera koji će već danas biti postavljeni na lokaciju i tako omogućiti medicinskom osoblju da nastave sa pružanjem medicinskih intervencija.

Transport i instalacija kontejnera će se podržati u okviru projekta kojeg također finansira Evropska unija “Odgovor na Covid-19 i izazove za migrante i izbjeglice na Zapadnom Balkanu”, a koji implementiraju IOM i UNHCR.

Tokom primopredaje šest stambenih kontejnera, predstavnici Doma zdravlja Bihać su se zahvalili na donaciji i istakli da je intervencija od velike pomoći za ovu ustanovu.

Dom zdravlja Bihać pruža usluge zdravstvene zaštite za skoro 60.000 stanovnika, a u uslovima uzrokovanim pandemijom koronavirusa pruža dodatne napore i obezbjeđuje uslove za omogućavanje pristupa zdravstvenoj zaštiti svim stanovnicima Bihaća, ali i migranatima i izbjeglicama koji trenutno borave u Unsko-sanskom kantonu.


Donation of six containers in Bihac


Donation of six containers in Bihac





SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals