
European Union Provides One Million Euro for the Establishment of a Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants

8 September 2006

European Union Provides One Million Euro for the Establishment of a Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants

All media representatives are kindly invited to attend a signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants between the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), and the Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday 13 September 2006 at 12:00 on the premises of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Durbovačka 6.

The Memorandum of Understanding will be signed by Mr. Bariša Čolak, Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms. Regina Boucault, Chief of Mission of the IOM, and Mr. Michael Humphreys, Head of Delegation of the European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

European Union provided one million Euro for the establishment of the Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants within its Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development, and Stabilisation (CARDS) 2006 programme and the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina have committed to contribute 250,000 Euro from the national budget. The establishment of the Centre is a part of the country’s priorities for fighting illegal migration and trafficking in human beings: a Migration Information System, a Service of Foreigners, amendments to the current law, and a Migration and a Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants at the State level.

The Memorandum of Understanding will govern the tasks and responsibilities of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, IOM, and the Delegation of the European Commission in establishing a functional Reception Centre for Irregular Migrants in line with the international and European standards. Signing of this Memorandum represents an important step towards making progress and fighting irregular migration effectively.