
D4D Transfer of knowledge - Dr. Haris Djapo

"Diaspora for Development" - D4D

Within the project "Diaspora for Development" - D4D, a project of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH and the Government of Switzerland with implementing partners UNDP and IOM, prof. Haris Djapo transferred knowledge to students of the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo. 

Prof. Djapo is working at the Ankara University since 2019 where he is part of Turkish Accelerator & Radiation Laboratory (TARLA) which is building the first Superconducting Electron linear accelerator in the region. At TARLA he is responsible for both radiation safety and radiation shielding design as well as the future experiments at nuclear and radiation physics station. His background and the main focus of his research has been in nuclear physics focused mostly on experimental nuclear physics. Dr. Djapo was appointed by the University of Sarajevo as a member of the Working Group for the Establishment of the Laboratory for radioisotope and ion production at the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science, and is the only member of this group who has real practical experience with accelerators for research purposes.

For that reason, the engagement of prof. Djapo is of exceptional importance for transfer of knowledge to both teachers and prospective students, future researchers at this faculty. The goal of this working group is the design and construction of a proton accelerator at the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo as a precursor to the Hadron Therapy Center, which is planned by The South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies.