
Creating and Finalizing Ethical Standards for the Protection of Mental Health and Psycho-social Assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina Armed Forces


As part of the project "Building the Capacity of the Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions to Address and Respond to Mental Health Issues Among Defense Personnel – PREVENTIVA" implemented by IOM since 2015, on 7th and 8th February, a round table was organized on the topic "Creating and Finalizing Ethical Standards for the Protection of Mental Health and Psycho-social Assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina Armed Forces", where relevant representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, worked on finalizing a document that is of great importance for the unhindered work of military psychologists within the AF system. This is one of the many activities that IOM is implementing through the PREVENTIVA project, in cooperation with the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Defense. The PREVENTIVA project is supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Sarajevo.


U sklopu projekta "Izgradnja kapaciteta bh. institucija na polju očuvanja mentalnog zdravlja pripadnika Oružanih snaga BiH – PREVENTIVA" kojeg IOM realizuje od 2015 godine, 7. i 8. februara, organizovan je okrugli sto na temu "Izrada i finalizacija Etičkih standarda u zaštiti mentalnog zdravlja i psihosocijalne asistencije u OS BiH" na kojem su relevantni predstavnici Ministarstva odbrane/obrane BiH i Oružanih snaga BiH radili na finalizaciji dokumenta koji je od velikog značaja za nesmetano obavljanje posla vojnih psihologa u sklopu sistema OS. Okrugli sto predstavlja jednu u nizu aktivnosti koje IOM realizuje kroz projekt PREVENTIVA, u saradnji sa Ministarstvom odbrane/obrane BiH i Ambasadom Kraljevine Norveške u Bosni i Hercegovini.