
Conference "Psychological Support in the Security Sector" organized by IOM in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Conference on the topic of Psychological Support in the Security Sector, organized by IOM in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is being held within the project PREVENTIVA, at the UN House on 27 February 2018. Numerous security sector representatives have the opportunity to gain insights into professional and peer psychological support provided to security professionals in their everyday duties.

The conference is of an international character, where our colleagues, the psychologists from the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of Norway will, at the final lecture, address the distinguished officials and present their experience from selection to psychological support. As it has been emphasized many times during today's meeting, the most important resource is the human resource and all of us should have the task of working to preserve mental health, for only a completely healthy man can provide an adequate service to the community. PREVENTIVA Project is supported by the Embassy of Kingdom of Norway.


U sklopu projekta PREVENTIVA danas se u Zgradi UN održava konferencija na temu "Psihološka podrška u sistemu sigurnosti" koju IOM organizuje u saradnji sa Ministarstvom odbrane/obrane i Ministarstvom sigurnosti/bezbjednosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Brojni predstavnici sigurnosnog sektora imaju priliku da dobiju uvid u iskustva na polju profesionalne i "vršnjačke" psihološke podrške koju dobijaju profesionalci iz sigurnosnog sektora kada se nalaze u svojim svakodnevnim službama.

Konferencija je međunarodnog karaktera,a na završnom predavanju obratiće se i kolege psiholozi iz Ministarstva odbrane Kraljevine Norveške, koji će uvaženim zvanicama prezentovati svoja iskustva od selekcije do psihološke podrške. Kao što je mnogo puta naglašeno tokom današnjeg skupa, najvažniji resurs sa kojim raspolažete je ljudski resurs i svima nam treba biti zadaća da radimo na očuanju mentalnog zdravlja, jer samo potpuno zdrav čovjek je u stanju pružiti adekvatnu službu svojoj zajednici. Projekt PREVENTIVA je podržan od Ambasade Kraljevine Norveške.