
„Climbing is my life“


Final activities for the project „Climbing is my life“ – awarding the Certificates to the students of the climbing school – were carried out at the event marking the closing of the project, and held in the premises of PD Koprivnica in Bugojno. In addition to the sport climbing school, which lasted for 30 days, activities were carried out on mounting the rocks and setting up sponges, which were used by experienced sports coaches who will continue to work voluntarily in the upcoming period. Informal group of young people from Bugojno, as well as donors from the local community, who supported these activities, are responsible for the successful implementation of this project.

Realizing all the activities within the project, sports climbing, which has reached the level of Olympic sports in the world, and is quite foreign to most cities in BiH, finally got its place and the possibility of development in Bugojno, and created high-level conditions, in which all fans of this sport can practice without training and prepare for the competitions, and thus with their progress increase the quality of this sport in BiH. This is also evidenced by the fact that one of the boulder league BH league in 2018 could be held in Bugojno.

These are activities within the project "Community Based Approach to Support Youth in Targeted Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" implemented by the IOM, supported by USAID, the Government of Great Britain and the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in BiH.


Svečanom ceremonijom dodjele zahvalnica polaznicima škole penjanja u ponedjeljak, 30. jula. 2018. godine u prostorijama PD Koprivnica u Bugojnu održane su završne aktivnosti u sklopu projekta “Climbing is my life”. Pored škole sportskog penjanja, koja je trajala 30 dana, sprovedene su i aktivnosti montaže stijene i postavljanja spužvi na kojima su radili iskusni treneri sportskog penjanja, koji će i u narednom periodu nastaviti raditi volonterski. Za uspješnu implementaciju ovog projekta zaslužna je neformalna grupa mladih iz Bugojna koja je proširivanjem sale potpuno oživila mračni prostor pretvarajući ga u odlično mjesto za sportsko penjanje. Također, donatori iz lokalne zajednice i drugi pojedinci podržali su ove aktivnosti mladih.

Realizacijom svih aktivnosti u okviru projekta, sportsko penjanje, koje je u svijetu dostiglo nivo olimpijskog sporta, a prilično je strano u većini gradova u BiH, konačno je dobilo svoje mjesto i mogućnost razvoja u Bugojnu, te su stvoreni uslovi da ljubitelji ovog sporta mogu nesmetano da treniraju i spremaju se za takmičenja, a samim tim i povećaju prisutnost ovog sporta u BiH. O tome govori i činjenica da bi jedno od kola boulder lige BiH u 2018. godini moglo biti održano baš u Bugojnu.

Ovo su aktivnosti u okviru projekta "Podrška mladima u lokalnim zajednicama u Bosni i Hercegovini" koji sprovodi IOM, a podržava USAID, Vlade Velike Britanije i Ambasade Republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini.