
Call for expression of interest to join IOM mobile teams to monitor migration flows in BiH


Call for expression of interest to join IOM mobile teams to monitor migration flows in BiH

IOM is looking for interested candidates for monitoring and providing regular updates on the migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the areas around Brčko, Bijeljina, Zvornik, Višegrad, Rudo, Čajniče, Foča, Bileća, Trebinje, Bosansko Grahovo, Bihać and Velika Kladuša.

Hiring is subject to availability of funds.

Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CV and cover letter to before 10 April 2018.


Terms of Reference


Nature of the consultancy:

Mobile team member to monitor migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina

IOM Project to which the consultancy is contributing:

Emergency Response to the Increased Mixed Migration Flow in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The general objectives of the consultancy are:

  • The overall objectives of IOM initiative is to provide regular and reliable data on locations, vulnerabilities, movements and needs  of vulnerable migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, in order to facilitate better coordination of the provision of tailored support  that meets the most pertinent needs of  these groups and referral to adequate protection services
  • Contribute to the ongoing efforts of the country in managing mixed migration flows

Areas of Coverage:

The areas of coverage will be located around the known routes for migrants entering and exiting Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly the area around Brčko, Bijeljina, Zvornik, Višegrad, Rudo, Čajniče, Foča, Bileća, Trebinje, Bosansko Grahovo, Bihać and Velika Kladuša

Tasks to be performed under this contract:

  1. Conducting semi-structured interviews with migrant to collect data on movements, including general demographics, nationality, gender and age, at the entry, check or exit points based on a tailored questionnaire
  2. Provide assistance in identification and referral of migrants as well as assistance with vulnerable groups of migrants in close cooperation with the BiH Border Police and Service for Foreigners’ Affairs
  3. Compile the collected data and complete an answering sheet based on received responses
  4. Encode the answering sheets into an electronic data base - ODK after completion of each shift
  5. Working alongside institutions, international organizations and NGOs at local level/active in the field
  6. Report to country focal point and designated data processing coordinator on best practices, lessons learned, and data collection methodologies

Tangible and measurable output of the work assignment:

  1. Number of registered migrants and refugees
  2. Number of migrants and refugees provided with identification, referral and assistance service
  3. Number of interviews conducted per shift
  4. Number of answering sheets encoded in the ODK data-base

Performance indicators for evaluation of results (value of services rendered in relation of their costs):

  1. Reports on the number of registered migrants and refugees
  2. Reports on number of migrants and refugees provided with identification, referral and assistance services
  3. The interviews are conducted in timely manner and data is recorded in the template (answering sheet) comprehensively (all question are responded)
  4. The answering sheet is encoded swiftly in the ODK data-base
Duty Station: 
Brčko, Bijeljina, Zvornik, Višegrad, Rudo, Čajniče, Foča, Bileća, Trebinje, Bosansko Grahovo, Bihać and Velika Kladuša
Closing Date: 
Tuesday, April 10, 2018