
Building the Capacities of Law Enforcement Officials to Implement Activities at a Police Cooperation Centre

March 2013

Building the Capacities of Law Enforcement Officials to Implement Activities at a Police Cooperation Centre

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina announces launching of a project titled “Building the Capacities of Law Enforcement Officials to Implement Activities at a Police Cooperation Centre”, financed by the UK Government.

The project will encompass police officers from the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia.

The establishment of a Police Cooperation Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina will introduce an efficient system for identification and fight against illegal migration, in accordance with Schengen standards of border security. In this context, it will also ensure harmonisation of regional systems of border management with the regulations of the EU, which is one of the goals of Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path towards European integration.

This initiative will contribute to strengthening of police cooperation in the fight against cross-border crime and similar occurrences related to crime, through replicating the successful European model of Police Cooperation Centres.

The initiative will be managed by the IOM which will, in consultation with the partners, ensure coordinated implementation of the working plan.


The global economic crisis, as well as political instability, have had a significant effect on the nature of migration flows in the region, resulting in an increased number of irregular migrants from extra-regional countries of origin, who transit, and frequently are apprehended in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as those from countries of the region, who are intending to enter EU member states.

Without strengthening the existing regional cooperation and the introduction of new mechanisms, the borders of the EU in the Western Balkans region could become a highly porous entry point, which would place an additional burden on the law enforcement agencies.

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the South-East Europe region remain an important transit route for irregular migrants as well as the illegal smuggling of goods, people, drugs, arms, and stolen vehicles. The capacities of state agencies in South-East Europe exist, but could be additionally strengthened through enhanced regional cooperation and information exchange.



Mart 2013

Izgradnja kapaciteta policijskih službenika za provedbu aktivnosti u Centru za policijsku saradnju

Medunarodna organizacija za migracije – IOM, Misija u Bosni i Hercegovini najavljuje pokretanje projekta pod nazivom „Izgradnja kapaciteta policijskih službenika za provedbu aktivnosti u Centru za policijsku saradnju” kojeg finansijski podržava vlada Velike Britanije.

Projektom ce biti obuhvaceni policijski službenici iz granicnih policija Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Srbije.

Uspostavljanje Centra za policijsku saradnju u Bosni i Hercegovini ce uvesti efikasan sistem za identifikaciju i borbu protiv nezakonitih migracija, u skladu sa šengenskim standardima granicne sigurnosti. U ovom kontekstu, dodatno ce se pospješiti uskladivanje regionalnih sistema granicnog menadžmenta sa zakonskim regulativama Evropske Unije, što je i jedan od ciljeva BIH na putu ka evropskim integracijama.

Ova inicijativa ce doprinijeti pojacavanju policijske saradnje u borbi protiv prekogranicnog kriminala i slicnih pojava povezanih sa kriminalom, kroz repliciranje uspješnog evropskog modela Centara za policijsku saradnju (PCC).

Inicijativa ce biti upravljana od strane IOM-a, koji ce, u konsultaciji sa partnerima, u narednom periodu pripremiti koordiniranu implementaciju radnog plana.


Globalna ekonomska kriza kao i politicka nestabilnost imaju znacajan efekat na prirodu migracijskih tokova u regionu, što rezultira povecanim brojem nezakonitih migranata iz država van Jugoistocne Evrope koji prolaze i cesto bivaju uhvaceni u BiH, ali i iz država regiona, a koji nastoje da udu u neku od clanica Evropske Unije.

Bez jacanja postojece regionalne saradnje i bez uvodenja novih mehanizama, granice Evropske Unije u regiji Zapadnog Balkana mogle bi postati veoma porozna tacka ulaska, što bi stavilo dodatan teret na agencije koje se bave provodenjem zakona.

BiH i region Jugoistocne Evrope i dalje su važna tranzitna ruta za nezakonite migrante kao i za nezakonito krijumcarenje robe, ljudi, droge, oružja i ukradenih automobila. Kapaciteti državnih agencija u Jugoistocnoj Evropi postoje, ali mogu biti dodatno ojacani kroz poboljšanu regionalnu saradnju i razmjenu podataka.