
Approximately 180 to 200 migrants and refugees are located in the Salakovac Center near Mostar (Aljazeera)


Currently, approximately 180 to 200 migrants and refugees are located in the Salakovac Center near Mostar. Most of them claim to come from Afghanistan, which is hard to confirm without valid documents. They are seeking asylum while trying to leave BiH simultaneously. Nevertheless, the borders are less and less porous and migrants are losing hope that they will realize their final Western European goals.

Our guest was Peter Van Der Auweraert, Chief of International Organization for Migration in BiH and Sub-regional Coordinator of mentioned organization for Western Balkans.



U centru Salakovac kod Mostara trenutno je smješteno između 180 i 200 migranata i izbjeglica. Većina tvrdi da je iz Afganistana, što je teško utvrditi bez valjanih dokumenata. Traže azil, a istodobno pokušavaju otići dalje. No, granice su sve manje propusne, a migranti polako gube nadu u skoro ostvarenje konačnog zapadnoevropskog cilja.

Naš gost bio je Peter Van Der Auweraert, šef Međunarodne organizacije za migracije u Bosni i Hercegovini i subregionalni koordinator te organizacije za Zapadni Balkan.
