
"All the little things and situations are special in my heart"

"All the little things and situations are special in my heart"


Migration brings positive stories, stories of hope, and unity.

Back in 2019, Mrs. Merima Hajduk from Konjic contacted the IOM representative in RRC Salakovac and expressed her desire to provide a donation to the persons accommodated in the center at that time.

Mrs. Hajduk has been curiously asking about what would be the most necessary items for the people on the move accommodated in Salakovac, and she has always done her best to provide, as much as possible, everything that was needed, besides the humanitarian aid that the center already offered. She says she will never forget meeting a young girl who wore two different shoes. She gave the new clogs that she was so happy to receive.

Fascinated by the small children she met, most of them born on the move, by their eagerness to learn and the languages they already spoke.
Following the wishes of her nephew who wanted to provide support, she could hardly wait to be the mediator on the ground. He found out from the media and his aunt that his home country has become a transit country for many families, and he decided to try to make their stay here and everyday life at least a little easier.

Our assistance does not include or has ever included only migrants, I was also active during the war in terms of humanitarian work, I helped as a seamstress in the hospital, sewed compresses, and everything else that was needed. Our help at that time included refugees who were accommodated in Ovcari camp, we provided them with cooked meals and other necessary things. We received materials from humanitarian organizations, and we sewed traditional skirts and other clothing items for them, most of them being elderly women wearing traditional Muslim clothing.

After the war, we continued to help our refugees who had left critical war-torn areas through rescue. I used to work with the women's association "Sumeja" and I am still in contact with them, especially if it is a referral for a needy family, while I continued to cooperate with other associations.

I usually find out about such families from the Center for Social Work or from my acquaintances. All this is provided by my nephew from the US with a regular monthly amount and so has been for years.”, Mrs. Hajduk tells us about how her humanitarian work started.

Migrants and refugees began to protect themselves from winter with the finest scarves and children with adorable winter sets.

In the spring and summer, the most modern seasonal shoes were prepared for all migrants and refugees. Taking lovely pink sandals, the beneficiary asked us, but these are not shoes for "game", no, we answered, these shoes are for "going out for coffee". They had something beautiful, modern, and new, and at least for a moment, they did not feel different from the local population.

I always try to find a family need, in my community but in other places as well. I recently helped a family with nine children whose father was in prison, I helped them with clothes, shoes, toys, and food. We often take food and other necessities to the boy who lives alone with his father in Jablanica, and every time he greets me at the window of the house, he is extremely happy.”

In agreement with the IOM and the Camp Management, donations of sweets, packages for all occasions and holidays, seasonal fruits, toys, and other items for children continue to arrive.

It was an indescribable experience to see the expression on children’s faces when they got a new toy that was just theirs, intact and in the original packaging. Some of them were so surprised that they returned toys to the IOM staff after a couple of hours, because they thought they had been given on "loan", to play a little bit and to return them.

During his vacation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Hajduk’s nephew said that he had a desire to visit RRC Salakovac on his own, to meet people there, to talk with them, because he knows what they been through. His wife and him again prepared gifts for all the beneficiaries while their three daughters immediately befriended the children from the center.

The loudest voice is a voice of friendship and understanding.