1                Timeline

Call for Expression of interest ID #


Posted (date)


Clarification Request Deadline


Application Deadline


Notification of Results               


Implementation Start Date


Implementation End Date



2                Locations

Proposed activities need to be implemented and or/include local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina that are either hosting migrants, asylum seekers and refugees or located along the migration routes.


3                Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization

Social cohesion and resilience; community participation, civic engagement and media and positive narratives.


4                Issuing Agency

IOM Bosnia and Herzegovina


5                Project Background

The International Organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IOM) announces a Call for Expressions of Interest from civil society organizations and NGOs to submit project proposals under the project "Individual measure to strengthen the response capacity to manage migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina” supported by the European Union (EU) through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). The overall objective of the project is to support Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions in the transition to a sustainable system for protection-sensitive reception and service provision that is led by the State authorities.

Through a small-grants mechanism, IOM will support civil society to implement interventions that promote social cohesion between the local population and migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, and to improve the interaction between these groups.

The objective of the invitation is to support NGOs and CSOs from local communities with a presence of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, to foster mutual understanding of the needs and rights of the local population and migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, and to improve the interaction between these groups.

The International Organization for Migration hereby invites the submission of concept ideas, within the priorities of the mentioned program:

- Support civil society efforts to foster mutual understanding between migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and local communities

The proposed activities need to be aimed at increasing opportunities for contact between host communities and people on the move, enhancing mutual understanding, promoting common values, creating, and sharing positive stories, strengthening intercultural exchange, and facilitating understanding between the local population and the migrant population/communities.

Through this program, IOM BiH seeks to partner with local civil society, non-governmental organizations, and media from local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly Sarajevo Canton, Una-Sana Canton, Tuzla Canton, Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and areas along the migration routes and invites all interested parties to submit project proposals corresponding to the program objectives.


6                Expected Results

Projects should contribute to the achievement of the project results through different activities and initiatives implemented either directly within the local communities, or on state/entity/district level with a clear connection to the set objectives. In that regard the projects are expected to:

  • Support community initiatives, which bring together migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, and host communities, such as cultural, educational, sports activities.
  • Support advocacy initiatives and raising awareness in local communities about mixed migration issues,
  • Promote and create innovative media content aimed at raising public awareness of migration.


Planned project activities should be mindful of:

  • contribute to the achievement of project results through initiatives and activities implemented directly in local communities,
  • be based on needs identified in local communities where a large number of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees stay or transit,
  • need to be linguistically accessible to all participating individuals and communities,
  • bring together participants as equals in terms of respect and importance,
  • actively engage all participants toward common goal and expected result, where all participants from different groups will be equally involved in implementation of activities,
  • to create collaborative environment that has a compelling appeal and relevance for all members of each group involved,
  • foster intergroup cooperation and mutual appreciation to allow participants to understand and appreciate each other culture,
  • mainstream gender and cultural consideration whenever possible.


Project activities and interventions may include, but are not limited, to activities such as:

  • Provision of innovative and inclusive services based on the needs of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and local communities using culture, arts, sports and ecology, such as:
    • Training and volunteering through sports activities and community events.
    • Create and perform through visual and performing arts.
    • Celebrate and play through sharing customs, important holidays and playing games related to different cultures.
    • Discover differences that are connective through nature, cultural and history trips and other outdoor activities.
    • Learn and discuss through performative arts and film screenings.
  • Activities aimed at raising public understanding on migration and production of media content related to this issue. Where possible, activities should be planned and carried out in cooperation with Universities/ Faculties for Media and Communication.
  • Improving the local community's awareness of the risks and vulnerabilities of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and the local population in the context of human rights.

7                Indicative Budget

The funds will be awarded in the amount of

  • Minimum 10 000 BAM up to 80 000 BAM maximum (excluding VAT)

The implementation period of the project should be 4 months minimum up to 8 months maximum.

The projects must be implemented within the period from September 1st, 2023, to April 30th, 2024.


8                Other Information

  1. The funds will be awarded to the following applicants:

- Civil society organizations or non-profit organizations registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with applicable domestic regulations. The organization must be registered in accordance with the law for at least one (1) year, with clear evidence of previous experience in the implementation of similar projects, and promoting positive narratives within their communities.


  1. Beneficiaries and Partnerships

- Beneficiaries: Projects must include migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees as well as local population to foster mutual understanding and improve cohesion.

Considering the goal of the project, within the proposed activities, special attention should be given to people with specific vulnerabilities and needs, such as children, women and girls, and elderly.

- Partnerships: Partnerships with government institutions, public educational institutions (primary and secondary schools, libraries, kindergartens, etc.), and small and medium-sized enterprises and other non-governmental organizations working on the same issues are encouraged.

In the case of a partnership, project proposals should include a clear description of the role of the partner organization/institution, and a plan for sharing resources between the partners. During the project proposal phase, selected applicants whose projects envisage partnership relations will have to submit a letter signed by the partner institution/organization.

  • Local Communities: Support of the local community/consultation with project beneficiaries - project proposals made in cooperation with the local community and/or target beneficiaries or with the expressed support of local communities are positively evaluated. To enhance and broaden the impact of social mixing, activities should be targeted and implemented at the community level, or in areas where there have been very few or no opportunities to interact. Applicants are required to submit an official letter expressing the support of the local community.

Note: Applicants are encouraged to search accurate information on presence of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and design activities in accordance to available data on migration in BiH, with focus on target areas. Link for regulargy updated data can be found here.


  1. Activities considered ineligible for funding
  • Activities that fall under general research and marketing activities without a specific outcome;
  • Activities that consist exclusively or mostly of sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses, and individual scholarships for education or training;
  • Activities that support political parties;
  • Activities related to party policies or activities of a political or party nature;
  • Marketing promotion activities;
  • Re-granting activities (ie use of funds for granting grants or loans to other organizations);
  • Activities that consist of investment in infrastructure and/or procurement of equipment;
  • Emergency aid or charitable donations;
  • Activities whose significant part of the budget covers staff costs.


  1. Eligible costs

The funds will be awarded on the condition that the verification process conducted prior to signing the contract, shows no problems have been identified that require changes to the budget (for example, calculation errors, inaccuracies or unrealistic costs). As part of the application review process, possible additional clarifications or changes can be asked from the applicants. However, an increase in the amount of grant funds is not possible during the correction. Eligible costs are the actual costs of the project applicant. Only eligible costs are taken into account for the awarding of funds. They should be based on real market costs.


Eligible costs are the actual costs of the project, which need to meet the following criteria:

a) They incurred during the implementation of the project, in accordance with the activities provided for in the contract;

b) They are indicated in the total project budget;

c) They are necessary for project implementation;

d) Costs can be determined and verified, they are recorded in the accounting books of the applicant and determined according to applicable accounting standards;

e) They meet the requirements in terms of applicable tax and social regulations.


Eligible direct costs of the applicants are:

a) Costs of staff working directly on the activities, in accordance with the actual gross salaries, including issuances for contributions, provided that salaries and expenses do not exceed the amount of the usual costs of the applicant;

b) Travel and accommodation costs for staff and other participants in the project provided that supporting documentation is submitted that confirms actual costs;

For all applications to this call, staff costs, as well as all purchases within the project must be expressed including VAT, meaning, budget items must be stated with VAT included. The amount of the applicant's financial participation must also be stated in the budget. Financial participation of the applicant is encouraged.

  1. Ineligible costs:

In the context of this call, ineligible costs are considered to be:

  1. Debts and accompanying interest;
  2. Funds for damages or potential future obligations to third parties;
  3. Expenses of the applicant, which are financed by other donors;
  4. Acquisition and rehabilitation of land and/or buildings;
  5. Procurement of vehicles;
  6. Procurement of alcoholic and energy drinks, tobacco products and other psychoactive substances;
  7. Currency conversion costs;
  8. Loans to third parties.

Exemption from paying VAT is related to the projects from the IPA funds and is applying to the implementing partners contracted under this project. Partners who receive financial support will have to advance VAT on all project related costs, which are eligible for refund from local taxation authority using the signed agreement with IOM.

  1. Non-material contribution

Non-material contributions (value of existing equipment, donations, volunteer work) are not considered real expenses and do not represent acceptable costs.


9              Selection Criteria





Relevance of the proposal to

achieving expected results

Proposals should contribute to the achievement of project results through initiatives and activities implemented directly in local communities, and be based on real needs identified in local communities that host migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

Proposals should contribute to improving the awareness of the local community about the vulnerability of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, the risks of irregular migration, the basic rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and available assistance services; improving the local community's awareness of the risks and vulnerabilities of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees and local residents in the context of human trafficking.

Projects that emphasize the possibility of replicating/expanding activities and propose an innovative approach to problem solving will be positively evaluated.


Involvement of women and diverse social groups

The proposal should demonstrate how women with different ethnic,  and geographical backgrounds, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups will be included and reached through the planned activities to effectively break down stereotypes and divisions. Fostering intergenerational participation and gender diversity in proposed project activities is also an added value.



Sustainability of intervention

An emphasis on the possibility of replicating and/or expanding activities and suggesting an innovative approach to identified issues.

The proposal must demonstrate synergies with previous or ongoing similar initiatives and clarify whether and in what way the project builds on the previous achievements and activities, as well as how it will ensure their sustainability after the project completion.



Partnerships with public educational institutions (schools, libraries, kindergartens, etc.), local institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, and other non-governmental organizations and groups working on the same issues is encouraged and scored. In case of  partnership, project proposal should include a clear description of the role of the partner organization/institution, and a plan for sharing resources between the partners. During the project proposal phase, selected applicants whose projects envisage partnership relations will have to submit a letter signed by the partner institution/organization.


Support of the local community/consultation with project beneficiaries

Project proposals made in cooperation with the local community and/or target users or with the expressed support of local communities are evaluated positively. Applicants are required to submit an official letter expressing the support of the local community.


Previous experience and expertise of the applicant

Expertise and experience in working with international donors, and implementing similar projects and activities. Adequacy and clarity of proposed application, activity design, and budget. Relevant technical expertise and experience in working with youth, and a different range of stakeholders at a national and local level in establishing a youth-sensitive perspective across sectors.






10. Attachments




ANNEX A – Terms of Reference

ANNEX A – Terms of Reference

ANNEX B - Implementing Partner References Checklist

ANNEX B - Implementing Partner References Checklist

ANNEX C - Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire

ANNEX C - Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire

ANNEX D - Concept Note Template

ANNEX D - Concept Note Template

ANNEX - E Budget and Financial Reporting Template

ANNEX - E Budget and Financial Reporting Template

ANNEX – E Narrative Reporting Template

ANNEX – E Narrative Reporting Template

ANNEX F – EU Project Implementation Agreement

ANNEX F – EU Project Implementation Agreement

ANNEX G – Declaration of Conformity for Partners

ANNEX G – Declaration of Conformity for Partners


For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please visit

The organizations responding to this call need to demonstrate their capacity to implement all listed activities as a single package. Partial applications for individual activities will not be considered.

IOM reserves the right to cancel/reduce the scope of planned activities or to introduce new/broaden the scope of the existing activities. Selected Implementing partner needs to be ready to develop a detailed budget based on submitted proposal in two weeks upon receiving the notification from IOM.

All applicants will receive written notification on the outcome of the selection process. Should an applicant request further clarification, IOM will provide a response explaining the transparency and integrity of the selection process undertaken.

IOM reserves the right to decline disclosure of the specificity of decision derived by the IOM mission due to reasons related to confidentiality.

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest, and to annul the selection process and reject all Expression of Interest at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partners.

For more information, please send an email to




Expression of Interest submission guidelines


This document contains instructions on the preparation and submission of the Application including Annex A: IP Information.

  • The Application must be submitted either by hand or through mail, in a sealed envelope to IOM with office address at International Organization for Migration, UNITIC business center (tower A), Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1, 71000 Sarajevo, no later than 15.07.2023, by 11:59 p.m. Late Applications will no longer be considered.
  • A detailed description must be provided on how the requirements specified in the Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) issued by IOM will be matched by the capabilities, experience, knowledge, and expertise of the Implementing Partners
  • The Application must be submitted in one original and one copy and the envelope must be marked “Original” and “Copy” as appropriate. If there are any discrepancies between the original and the copy the original governs. Both envelopes shall be placed in an outer envelope and sealed. The outer envelope shall be labelled with the submission address, reference number and title of the Project and name of the Implementing Partner.
  • The Application must be submitted in the English language and in the format prescribed by IOM within the CEI. All required information must be provided, responding clearly and concisely to all the points set out. Any application which does not fully and comprehensively address these CEI requirements may be rejected.
  • The Application document should comprise of the following:
    1. Cover Letter;
    2. Duly accomplished application documentation as outlined within the CEI signed on all pages by the Implementing Partner’s Authorized Representative; and
    3. Any other relevant documents
  • Applications may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time specified in this Request for EoI. Applications shall not be modified or withdrawn after the deadline.
  • The Implementing partner shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Application and IOM will not, in any case, be responsible and liable for the costs incurred.
  • IOM at no occasion will ask for an application fee from Implementing Partners.
  • All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Implementing Partners in connection with this CEI is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Implementing Partner shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the selection process has been completed whether or not the Implementing Partner application is successful.
  • IOM will treat all information (or that marked proprietary/sensitive/financial) received from Implementing Partners as confidential and any personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles.
  • The Implementing Partner, by submitting an application, gives consent to IOM to share information with those who need to know for the purposes of evaluating and managing the proposal.
  • IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to cancel the process and reject all Applications, at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing partner or any obligation to inform the affected Implementing partner of the ground for IOM’s action.